How can we improve WHMCS?

Share, discuss and vote for what you would like to see added to WHMCS


395 Ideas Found. Showing page 7 of 20.

6 Votes
Add description field to billable items

Please add a description textarea for billable items to allow to separate title and description in invoices.

6 Votes
Apple Pay button style

Configure the styling for the Apple Pay button provided by Stripe.

6 Votes
PayPal "Pay In 4" Option

Hi Team, I would like to propose that the new PayPal "Pay In 4" feature is added to the PayPal Payment Gateway.I personally do not like usi...

6 Votes
Bulk Configurable Option Pricing Updater

With the advent of cPanel deciding to change their prices each year it seems very pertinent that WHMCS either add a feature to their cPanel licensing...

6 Votes
Paypal Basic Gateway button to Encrypted (EWP)

I believe it's critical now days to have encrypted Paypal order buttons as it is possible to manipulate the data in the Paypal button code.As it is no...

6 Votes
Item cost element

It would be beneficial for us as a business keeping track of finances, by having another field in products like hosting, domains etc where you can ent...

6 Votes
integration of Stripe payments with Mobilepay

Hello. Is it possible you look into integration of Stripe payments with Mobilepay?I got this message from Stripe when trying to activate Mobilepay on...

6 Votes
Option to download invoice in PDF/A format

I would like to have an option for clients to download PDF/A compliant invoice as we have problems with authorities be cos I want that whmcs invoice i...

6 Votes
Auto Debit of Customer Outstanding Balance - Faster Recovery

We are faced with a Issue of Customers having High Outstanding Amount which they need to pay us. However The process of recovery of money is very pai...

6 Votes
Ability to Pro-Rata Domain Renewals

I am writing to request the addition of a feature that would greatly enhance the domain management capabilities within WHMCS. Specifically, I would li...

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6 Votes
GoCardless - Instant Bank Pay

HIGoCardless takes days to setup, if a customer orders hosting & domain it won't activate until a payment is received. GoCardless now supports Ins...

6 Votes
Ability to generate invoices X Days in advance depending on payment method

We bill customers NET30 so that they have 30 days with which to mail in a payment before the due date.We would like to see a feature where we can have...

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6 Votes
credits should show in transactions on frontend too

Hello!We've seen that the credit applied does not show on the invoice in transactions, only on the Title CREDIT.It should also appear as a transaction...

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6 Votes
Alipay payment gateway

Please add support to alipay gateway!

6 Votes
Add Transaction Response to Payment Failed Email

When a payment fails, there's no additional information in the email sent to the customer telling them why the payment failed. It would be great to ha...

6 Votes
Peppol integration

Peppol integration to send invoices on a secure way

6 Votes
default currency for products

When you go to store and choose lets say web hosting the currency should default to USD or currency=1 if other currencies are disabled.Same should be...

6 Votes
Create a possibility to cancel after a defined time referees of an affiliate

When an affiliate have a referee with a cycling cashback product we can't stop automaticaly the paiment after X times. It can be cool to define a dela...

6 Votes
Payal Payments Gateway Include an option for One-time payments

With the implementation of Newer Paypal gateways, the option for clients to make only one-time payments manually is no longer possible through the Pay...

6 Votes
Relative Pricing for long Billing Cycles

Updating prices for a large number of products and/or config options can be tedious, especially when offering a number of different billing cycles.Whi...