At times, there is need for additional information to be viewable from the Clients Profile which can allow, by means of editable template, the ability to store custom fields.
Hello. I've searched the Forums and I've searched the new ''Feature Request Forum" and I'm unsure on how/where to find this or ask this.
We need a feature where there is a 'Tickets' tab at the top, much like the Notes tab is now. We also need it to list the number of ticket and open tickets for that client. So, if a client has 3 ticket and 1 of them are still open, we would need it to say "Tickets (1/3)" or at least "Tickets (1)" much like the notes do now. I do realize that the total ticket list is in Support area, but if we are viewing a clients profile and if we are going to see ''at a glance'' if this client has any existing tickets, then a tab at the top would be the place to see it.
I've tried to read if this is something I can modify myself, and I don't see how to modify that tab-header area. However, we can currently see ''at a glance'' if there are any previous notes, and we need to be able to see that for Tickets as well.
Also - when we go into ''View All Support Tickets", there are the buttons to MERGE, CLOSE, DELETE, and BLOCK - there should also be an OPEN NEW TICKET button in there. Right now, we have to go into that area to see if there are any existing tickets for that client's issue, and if there isn't one, we need to back out and then go into the "Open New Support Ticket" area to open a ticket. Opening a new ticket should be directly accessible from a button in the ''View All Support Tickets'' area.
So, if someone could tell me if this is something that I can modify currently, or if it's a feature that already exists but we need to configure somehow, I would appreciate it. If having a 'Tickets Tab' isn't currently possible, and if it's not customizable then the ability to add our own tabs would be needed.
Thank you.There is also a somewhat similar request idea here:
24th January 13
as well to be able to configure easily the ones that should show up and which ones shouldnt
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We need a feature where there is a 'Tickets' tab at the top, much like the Notes tab is now. We also need it to list the number of ticket and open tickets for that client. So, if a client has 3 ticket and 1 of them are still open, we would need it to say "Tickets (1/3)" or at least "Tickets (1)" much like the notes do now. I do realize that the total ticket list is in Support area, but if we are viewing a clients profile and if we are going to see ''at a glance'' if this client has any existing tickets, then a tab at the top would be the place to see it.
I've tried to read if this is something I can modify myself, and I don't see how to modify that tab-header area. However, we can currently see ''at a glance'' if there are any previous notes, and we need to be able to see that for Tickets as well.
Also - when we go into ''View All Support Tickets", there are the buttons to MERGE, CLOSE, DELETE, and BLOCK - there should also be an OPEN NEW TICKET button in there. Right now, we have to go into that area to see if there are any existing tickets for that client's issue, and if there isn't one, we need to back out and then go into the "Open New Support Ticket" area to open a ticket. Opening a new ticket should be directly accessible from a button in the ''View All Support Tickets'' area.
So, if someone could tell me if this is something that I can modify currently, or if it's a feature that already exists but we need to configure somehow, I would appreciate it. If having a 'Tickets Tab' isn't currently possible, and if it's not customizable then the ability to add our own tabs would be needed.
Thank you.There is also a somewhat similar request idea here: