How can we improve WHMCS?

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2359 Ideas Found. Showing page 6 of 118.

66 Votes
Email Campaigns Domain TLD Criteria

Add domain extension to Email Campaigns that we can send users notifications about the price increase of only one extension

66 Votes
Client upgrades should offer configurable options and confirmation

Client side upgrades should offer the various different options before producing a pro-rata price for the client (and then asking them if they want to...

66 Votes
Add Configurable Options to Bulk Pricing Updater

Currently in order to update product prices for existing clients with configurable options we have to specify the "Current Price" for every...

65 Votes
eNom DNSSEC Management

eNom supports DNSSEC entries via API calls or manual submission.Adding the API call configurations for DNSSEC management (add, get & delete) will...

65 Votes
Bring Back 'Monthly New Orders Income' Report Table

Hi,I always used to use the 'monthly new orders income' table to give me a quick overview of the amount invoiced from new orders over the year to give...

  • Declined
65 Votes
prevent clients from editing custom fields

Hello,currently you can prevent the fields of whmcs standards, would be a good idea to have the possibility of preventing the custom fields.Regards,Al...

64 Votes
Disable Autocomplete / AutoFill across WHMCS Admin

This topic has already unfortunately been broached on a smaller issue for the SMTP fields in settings, but there is an annoying issue across all of th...

63 Votes
Display registered private name servers

hello WHMCS team ,from client side , i can register a new name server with its IP , you call it " private name server" in your product ,and...

63 Votes
Forward an email to open a ticket

Many of the large ticketing systems (Zendesk, SupportPal, FreshDesk, etc.) allow the ability for an administrator/ticket operator to forward an email...

62 Votes
Allow State/Region Overrides

HelloWe all expect to see in near future a way to override States\Region on WHMCS and not need to replace those files on every minor updates.States ar...

61 Votes
Allow users to enter their own password during ordering process

During product or service check out allow users to enter their own password. Then check password against standard security password guidelines that...

61 Votes
Automate TLD Pricing Synchronization

Registrars' domain prices are changing every day and they give promotions or finished it; therefore, this functionality must be automated by whmcs cro...

61 Votes
VMWare / vCenter Integration

Greetings,Integrating with VMware at the same level that you guys do with other visualization provisioning software would wondrous. There has been som...

60 Votes
Allow disable of email notifications in Project Manager Addon

Allow disable of email notifications in Project Manager Addon. There are also a number of requested for this feature within the topic "Email not...

59 Votes
Stripe UK Direct Debit

Direct debits via Stripe UK have been publicly released and would like you to reconsider the decision to implement such a gateway:

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59 Votes
Announcements base image upload (just like the Knowledge base image upload)

I love the fact that "Knowledge base" will in the new version be able to support the image upload functions.That will nt be too complicated...

59 Votes
Option to Overwrite Scheduled Email Campaigns Frequency

The new Email Campaigns Tool in WHMCS 8.0 is pleasing, especially the Schedule Campaign option. However, the Email Campaign functionality currently ha...

57 Votes
Banning clients for failed login attempts (similar to the admin)

You may notice many failed login attempts to your clients and we would like to protect them from being hacked or something like that by banning client...

57 Votes
Sign in With Apple

Apple now has an oauth login implementation that I think WHMCS should add to their sign in integrations page together with facebook, twitter etc..http...

56 Votes
Non-latin characters transformation in the SEO-friendly URIs

The SEO-friendly URL generation function removes non-latin letters. But some of them are important letters that should be transformed to their closest...