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ApplePay integration

  • cyberhostpro shared this idea 10 years ago
  • Payments/Billing


with WHMCS 6 being responsive. Can ApplePay be integrated so uses using an iOS8.1 or above device who are making a purchase using the responsive theme can choose to pay with applePay?



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Hi all,
Thanks for the suggestion and your votes this far. Apple Pay support has been added to the Stripe payment gateway.

Which payment gateway (which supports Apple Pay) would you like to see it added to next? A list of gateways which could potentially support Apple Pay are listed under Payment Platforms at @whmcs
Another one interested in this. The web is moving towards mobile devices more and more these days.
Another one interested in this idea.

The web is moving towards mobile devices more and more.
The new stripe module looks like it supports apple pay. Not tried it yet though.
There is an add on now (paid) that does Apple Pay for whmcs.
We also need Android pay!! Mobile payments are taking over come on WHMCS
yes. Also interested in this.
I'd like to see this as well. Along with a true single page checkout (not that pre loading the next page crap) with the ability to add our own stylesheet. Conversions, conversions, conversions.. It's all about conversions.
I would like to see this implemented/integrated too but now ApplePay is available on the web as well besides just iOS devices...