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Client Email Notification Emails of Project Actions

  • Blue Net Box shared this idea 6 years ago
  • Project Management

As a business owner I'd like the ability for email notifications to be sent automatically to clients when certain actions are performed by staff on a project. Such as adding a comment of finishing a task.


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This feature should be actioned - and it should be the same as e.g. Google spreadsheet notification where you can choose to receive daily digest or immediate notification. Clients should be able to opt in to project updates in the same way

For reference, the info is here:
At the moment we have to send them support ticket which is manual and time consuming - much better to send automated update notifications like the ones staff get

Perhaps provide the ability in settings, to choose which emails client gets... eg. just the status updates
Optionally send client an email regarding the status of their project would be great. I do also agree that it should be manual.

Another one would be the ability to customize time spent on tasks. Not having to enter start date/time and end date/time. simply allow administrators to enter full hours spent on a task.
I think this would be a great feature, but it would need to be optional. There should be a way to disable it with a checkbox when the need arises.
I agree. And in my opinion, it would be better for this feature to be done manually.
That is, admin can just hit a button to send the notification to the client.