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Hosting Account Quota Notifications

196 Votes
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I cant believe this does not exist in WHMCS!

When a client reaches his disk quota limit we get a notification from our Control Panel (in our case DirectAdmin). WHMCS already knows about this quota limit, if you go to the clients Hosting Product you can see the Disk, Bandwidth usage.

Currently we have to send out emails manually to clients advising them to reduce space or upgrade. But why does WHMCS not automatically send out an email to the customer when they reach the soft limit or near it? Why not also advise prior to nearing an other set threshold limit like 80% or 90% ?

So what i propose is that after the Cron job which WHMCS updates usage, it should automatically create a Support Ticket based on a email template in Email Templates, this ticket will notify the client automatically.

This should be in the Automation Settings or by Product in the Product "Other" tab. (i would do it by product)

What do you think?
Merged Ideas
    Disk & Bandwidth Usage Emails
    I would like it if I could setup WHMCS to send emails to my clients when they reach certain levels (e.g. 75% usage) for both disk space and bandwidth. Cpanel already does this in a limited fashion however the emails are not easily controlled or worded. Using the existign email template system in WHMCS would be great.


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mbit wrote:Hello,
this module sends an Disk almost full email to a user if the disk is more than XX percent full. You can set the percentage and the module creates a custom e-mail template for you so you can set it up to your liking. It's a products group emial template so you can use all the usual service info + additional: disk quota, used disk, disk used percentage and the same for bandwidth if you like...)

I'm open to suggestions and i'm willing to expand the possibilities of this addon per your requests, just try to be reasonable :)

You can find more @
Thanks Mbit, I will look at this now. I really need a better solution.
I already opened a request 2 years ago about this, still no reply from whmcs. This request should be merged with mine.
this module sends an Disk almost full email to a user if the disk is more than XX percent full. You can set the percentage and the module creates a custom e-mail template for you so you can set it up to your liking. It's a products group emial template so you can use all the usual service info + additional: disk quota, used disk, disk used percentage and the same for bandwidth if you like...)

I'm open to suggestions and i'm willing to expand the possibilities of this addon per your requests, just try to be reasonable :)

You can find more @
Has this been considered yet?

It would be really necessary that whmcs control suspending the account and not the control panel individually, i can disable that function in DirectAdmin, im sure Cpanel does the same.I need whmcs to notify client when they go over thei quota and open a ticket automatically. If there is no response and they keep going over a set quota limit then whmcs suspends the account.The disk usage and limits are already known to whmcs when we look at the product, whmcs should be able to react based on these thresholds and open tickets and/or suspend accounts on the control panel.
I agree. The limited functionality in this regard in WHM is, well, limited. Clearly the answer lies in achieving superior functionality in WHMCS - perhaps as an add-on?
We really need that implemented
Is there an update on this feature request?
We really need that implemented
Does anyone else feel this would be a good feature?

Can WHMCS update on this?
at least an email notification when the client has reached the soft limit would be nice

Can someone from WHMCS update us on this? Is there any plans to consider this?

Do you need more elaboration on this topic?
I totally agree. I don't know why it is not yet a part of WHMCS since this is very important part of hosting business. IMHO very needed and very easy to implement.
@WHMCS Chris is there any update on this request?
This would be a fantastic addition, allowing us to control the message that is sent out and I don't think this should be much of an issue for the WHMCS system. This is a very important tool
I want it too.