How can we improve WHMCS?

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Mr - Miss - Mrs - Dr - Sir before First Name so we can see who they are

  • No Thank You shared this idea 12 years ago
  • Payments/Billing

I've also used services like:

Title: MrFirst Name: Michael
Surname: Dance.

But on WHMCS we have to make this ourself and it's not in a professional order.on Emails we could do:

Dear Mr. Dance,Thank you for your order.Dear {$title} {$client_name},etc.


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It should be possible to use a custom field for this purpose. Setup a Client Custom Field called Salutation using the dropdown option type and enter the options you desire comma separated. That will then be made available in all email templates:

Has this been implemented yet or is there a addon for this? The title of clients is an important aspect of a clients account as it is needed for legal reasons.
This seems like a no-brainer to allow customers to select their title, this also helps with personalizing communication with the customer, also it should be dead simple to add.