I'd like to be able to upload images in knowledge base articles, but this doesn't appear possible right now. It appears that the only way to include an image is to reference a URL to an existing image, as opposed to being able to select and upload an image directly into an article.
Merged Ideas
Allow file upload on text editor
The TinyMCE rich-text editor which comes with WHMCS doesn't have the ability to upload files (like wordpress). This features is essential when building Tutorials with screenshots in the KB. Now we are stuck having to upload the image on another site or via ftp and copy and pasting the link. I think this is inefficient and an "upload image" button should be easy to add.
Ability to Customize TinyMCE for Font Size and Image Uploading - Inline Images
This request flows from a community post where WHMCS Nate informed us that the TinyMCE init file is protected. He suggested we make a feature request.This feature request is basically allowing us to easily customize TinyMCE. SEO and writing of good original content is essential to search success. If our primary interface TinyMCE is more customizable we can achieve bigger things.If we can customize TinyMCE for example, we can make the font size bigger to match our styles, or even better, match the styles of our front-end from the get go. Nate appears to be working on that and this might be available in 7.6.1-release.1.If we can further customize our TinyMCE we can hook it up to a TinyMCE image upload component. As stated in this request already:https://requests.whmcs.com/topic/allow-file-upload-on-text-editorNumerous articles, knowledgebase, and tech support replies, all rely on inline images to properly convey the message.You can see the original post where the request was made here:https://whmcs.community/topic/290900-lockedwhere-is-whmcs-tinymceinit/
Featured Comment
I'm pleased to announce that the 7.10 public beta is now live, featuring Knowledgebase image uploads! Please test it out, and let us know your feedback during the pre-release period.
Beta information: https://beta.whmcs.com
Feature documentation: https://docs.whmcs.com/Knowledgebase#Image_Uploading
Discussion: https://whmcs.community/forum/495-v710-beta-discussion/