As written in subject, would be nice and with high business needs to add the custom client fields also for their sub-accounts... right now is available just for normal clients, but when a clients is adding a sub-client, those fields are not showing up ...
Merged Ideas
Custom fields for additional contacts
Be able to have some additional custom fields even in user's custom contacts
To add the possibilty for costum fileds in contacts.
So, for example i can add title (like ceo , feo) for contact and know what their responsibliy and how am i talking to...
Ability to add custom field to sub-accounts
The idea is to add the possibility to add custom field to sub-account the same way we can add it to the main contact.In example, it could be useful to add a newsletter for technical sub-contact, or define if it's the secondary or third level person to contact incase of emergency, etc... It could add flexibility in the way of managing users of the same main account.
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looks like these feature request should be merged with a total of 89 votes.
I got a notification that this feature request status was changed to Currently Declined
Can someone explain why?
9 months ago WHMCS Cole commented that this is a "great feature request" and wanted some clarification.
Some of us did our part and added some clarification - but suddenly after 9 months the status is changed without any word...
There is a big problem in the way WHMCS treat contacts and / or sub-accounts...You can see here:
There are lots and lots of feature requests and votes regarding this issue - please fix it.
May I know why as this is an almost essential feature in a multi-account / sub-account system.
I agree - you can see # 6 in the attachment of the new Contact tab I suggested here:
so e.g. the customer sets some notes to the contact.
Thanks for your comment.
You asked about how a contact will know that a custom field exists, and that they need to fill it out?
First - please don't forget that this info can be used in the admin side - now I can add a custom field with the customer birthday (bummer that We can't add a custom field in date format - but o.k.) or a I.d. number (or any other custom field we want to add).
In the same company there are several other contacts that we deals with - let's say the first or mail account holder is the CEO, but we are working with the support manager, the developer and so on - all of them in the same company - now we don't have a way to add them as a sub-account and add the relevant information in the custom fields...
Second - at the client side - there should be a way for the sub account to login to the client area and update the relevant custom fields (the one we decided that he can update and / or change).
There is a big problem in the way WHMCS treat contacts and / or sub-accounts...You can see here:
Please take a look on the screen shots with all the relevant info and suggestions.
There are more then 160 votes regarding the problematic way that contacts and / or sub-account related to the main customer / account holder.
I think that you should rethink on the problem from the top - and see what can be done in general regarding this problem - not just adding custom fields to a sub-account.