WHMCS needs to have a way to support a multi-tennant or multi-company setup. This would allow companies like mine, which have multiple identities to keep branding in tact while at the same time, consolidating all quoting, support, billing, etc. from a single system.
Having to manage 2 installations is a PITA because you then have to have a separate hosting account, SSL, etc. You can already brand the frontend using the template= syntax in the URL.
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Here's why.. Right now, Blesta does support multiple brands from the front and backend but, if your a support tech or billing department, you have to use a dropdown to choose the brand or company you want see ticket statuses, etc on.
So, for us, this is not the solution we were/are looking for. To me and my company, the admin system needs to be seamless when showing how many tickets are open, invoices unpaid, etc. I shouldn't have to dig for this information. Out of sight, out of mind. Since we're in the service industry, this could impact customer perception when tickets for example go un-answered or take longer because support didn't see them.
For us, the InTouch solution is the only workable system for branding communications while allowing us to use WHMCS like it was meant to with the admin screen. We can get a read on action items easily. The whole switching between companies on the backend is yet another step to miss.
If WHMCS ever were to make their system multi-brand, that would be my BIGGEST wish, have one admin screen where you can see brands and what action items there are for it and NOT have to switch between brands on the backend.
As I understand your product - I would have to manually assign clients to the client groups I want them in, and then WHMCS and GoHigherIS would then be able to send those clients the properly 'company branded' emails. My question is: There needs to be an AUTOMATED way to put clients into the appropriate client group right during their initial ordering process - not just manually the next day.
So, it seems like a 'ClientAdd' action hook may be able to do this. According to the documentation, "It doesn't matter how the client is added - can be via the admin area, client side signup or API - the hook will always be called." Also I've found that the ClientAdd Action Hook can check both $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] and $_SESSION['Template'] to figure out what URL and what Tempate was used - so couldn't you make a ClientAdd action hook that would then set the newly created Client's client group to the appropriate client group for that Company/Tempate?
What this would accomplish is that we could have multiple sites, for example: 1CheapHost.com and 2GoodHost.com and 3BadHost.com. They could all use the same WHMCS installation, and they could use 'on the fly' templates.1CheapHost.com/whmcs/index.php?systpl=Template12GoodHost.com/whmcs/index.php?systpl=goodhosttpl
Then, if you had a ClientAdd action hook ready to go as part of the GoHigherIS installation, it then could check either the ServerName or the TempateName and could assign that new customer to client group 'GroupCheap', 'GroupGood', or 'GroupBad' and they would get the appropriately branded invoices and welcome mails and everything - right from the start.
If that's all possible - then I think that's the missing piece of the puzzle and I'd like to proceed with merging my multiple installations.
when currently you have to purchase 1 installation per brand, so if you have 4 brands you have to purchase 4 licences at $19, but with this feature you would only need 1 install at $19
What it boils down to is the core of WHMCS isn't designed for multi-company support. WHMCS will have to rewrite a great deal of core code to handle this functionality. Think about all the outbound communications, payment gateways, support system, project management tool, etc. that need to be "muti-brand' aware, and it becomes clearer as to the amount of work that will need to be performed to accomplish this.
It simply boils down to economics. WHMCS is in a sweet spot because cPanel is a majority shareholder, and the likelihood of someone stealing too much market share is unlikely right now due to all the features built in to WHMCS. Since cPanel is aware of multi-brand competencies (due to their market position), it's probably just a matter of time and money to make WHMCS multi-brand/multi-company.
It will probably be version 6 or 7 of WHMCS that finally gets there. The question becomes for shop owners like myself and others, is switching to products like Blesta worth the headaches until it has feature parity (or close to what we need from the product). Right now the answer is no.. Blesta and others have a LONG way to go before it becomes compelling due to the features we use in WHMCS, and we're a small (very small!) hosting company, catering to our local market.
when currently you have to purchase 1 installation per brand, so if you have 4 brands you have to purchase 4 licences at $19, but with this feature you would only need 1 install at $19
we tried using in-touch but it only does a partial job.
we want total rebranding for each company, logo, theme, url, invoices, products, all need to be different.We have tried numerous ways, but they just result in a ridiculously complex system that is hard to support, and because you have always disable all hooks and plugins when contacting WHMCS support, it means you have to break all your websites and leave them broken until WHMCS support have responded.
So it needs to be built wight into the product.
Currently we are now going to resort to stand alone installations as it is the only reliable way to do it
WHMCS could just change the licens structur - it's an easy job and lot's of people has ask for this feature for many years. I do not understand why this isen't implement yet. It's a win-win for both....
So, does anyone know of a working solution where clients can come to our website(s) and sign up and get properly branded emails, invoices, support tickets for the site/company that they signed up at?
As I understand your product - I would have to manually assign clients to the client groups I want them in, and then WHMCS and GoHigherIS would then be able to send those clients the properly 'company branded' emails. My question is: There needs to be an AUTOMATED way to put clients into the appropriate client group right during their initial ordering process - not just manually the next day.
So, it seems like a 'ClientAdd' action hook may be able to do this. According to the documentation, "It doesn't matter how the client is added - can be via the admin area, client side signup or API - the hook will always be called." Also I've found that the ClientAdd Action Hook can check both $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] and $_SESSION['Template'] to figure out what URL and what Tempate was used - so couldn't you make a ClientAdd action hook that would then set the newly created Client's client group to the appropriate client group for that Company/Tempate?
What this would accomplish is that we could have multiple sites, for example: 1CheapHost.com and 2GoodHost.com and 3BadHost.com. They could all use the same WHMCS installation, and they could use 'on the fly' templates.1CheapHost.com/whmcs/index.php?systpl=Template12GoodHost.com/whmcs/index.php?systpl=goodhosttpl
Then, if you had a ClientAdd action hook ready to go as part of the GoHigherIS installation, it then could check either the ServerName or the TempateName and could assign that new customer to client group 'GroupCheap', 'GroupGood', or 'GroupBad' and they would get the appropriately branded invoices and welcome mails and everything - right from the start.
If that's all possible - then I think that's the missing piece of the puzzle and I'd like to proceed with merging my multiple installations.
As far as incoming, WHMCS handles that according to the inbound email. If their email is on file, then they will be pulled into the proper client group. If not, you can chose which client group to send from on a reply.