WHMCS needs to have a way to support a multi-tennant or multi-company setup. This would allow companies like mine, which have multiple identities to keep branding in tact while at the same time, consolidating all quoting, support, billing, etc. from a single system.
Having to manage 2 installations is a PITA because you then have to have a separate hosting account, SSL, etc. You can already brand the frontend using the template= syntax in the URL.
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Hello again Eric. Is there any way for WHMCS or Gohigheris.com to know what invoice to send a new client? From what I read on your website, once a client is in a 'company1' or a 'company2' group, then Gohigheris.com can properly communicate with those clients with the correct invoices and notices and 'branded' emails. However, I don't understand WHMCS or Gohigheris will know how to assign a new client (a new client that is coming in, creating their accounts, and purchasing new services) to the appropriate Client Group?
If it can do that, then it seems like this is a perfectly functional product and I'd like to move forward with getting it installed on three of our installations. However, if it can't do that, then it seems to me that it's as fundamentally flawed as all other attempts at multi-company support.
I think what everyone wants is to have multiple 'branded' websites, and to have clients land on any of these brands, and when they sign up for services, that they will get emails, invoices, welcome emails, renewal emails, support tickets, (basically everything) from the website that they signed up at - even though the Admin side is one login, one database, one installation to maintain, and one 'company' from the Admin side. It appears that your product can do 99% of what everyone needs, but only AFTER the client signs up, AFTER they already receive confusing emails and invoices from an unrecognized company, and then AFTER we [u]manually[/u] move a client into the proper Client group. :)So, if there is some way to assign a client to the appropriate client group on signup, then let me know that, and I'd like to proceed with getting several installations converted. :)
You mentioned that "The only downside is that there is NO way to have WHMCS use multiple URL's which is the only thing really lacking for true multi-company features.", well that is partially true. I do have multiple domains working just fine. The only issue is that branding removal only works on the main domain. That is why I asked for the other feature request at http://requests.whmcs.com/responses/make-branding-removal-possible-on-multiple-urls-one-whmcs-installation
Enclosed is a copy of the hook that makes it happen. The file is a .txt for the purpose of posting here but you know it must be a .php when used.
switch (/index.php?systpl=TemplateName) so that each site can show it's own theme to the new client, but when that client follows the cart link and creates a new account, how does WHMCS know what client group to put them in, so that InTouch will be able to send them the appropriate Invoice/Headers/Images etc.?This sounds like it's an OK solution, but I don't understand how a new client would get put into the siteA-group vs the siteB-group.
If all you want is a unique look feel for different companies, that is 99.9% possible now. See http://requests.whmcs.com/responses/make-branding-removal-possible-on-multiple-urls-one-whmcs-installation
Managing separate client areas through one administration point would be a huge time saver, not to mention the convince of it.
I'll also check out the InTouch thing - that might be a solution, although my gut feeling is that I'd rather have an official WHMCS solution to the issue. However, I'll check out InTouch and see how well that works. :)
We use it for both of our brands, web-jive.com and hi5websites.com :)
At the moment on the market the only software i can see doing this well is Vision Helpdesk with their Satellite feature as described at:
If WHMCS could work like this, it would be perfect!
I would pay double for my licenses to have this feature. They could do a base + XX% on their monthly to cover any additional company identity.
you can integrate your WHMVCS to as many websites as you like by have a template for each site, but the installation can only be on single domain.